About Dr. Gary Salyer
I Swore It Would Be Different
I swore after my first divorce, that my next marriage would be different. So when my second marriage crumbled almost a decade later for nearly the same reasons I was devastated. I felt like an utter, complete failure. All I could see was hopelessness on the horizon.
But I was determined to find another way. I was not going to be that guy who bounced from marriage to marriage never really learning anything. So I found someone to mentor me and explored my past. I read books — lots and lots of them.
In fact, I dedicated myself to doing the deep research about all things love. I had deep conversations with people I loved. Most of all, I did the deep transformations that unlocked my heart and released my soul to love as I had always imagined.
Then something wonderful happened. Love — and how to make it lasting – became my life’s highest calling.
A New Way to Love
I let go of all the stories I had been telling myself about how I wasn’t good enough for
I quite literally felt like a man who had been freed from the bondage of his childhood and his past relationships. Then I experienced the joy and peace of a man who had been liberated to live a life filled with love.
This work transformed my relationship with women, inviting a whole new way of relating that just felt better than anything I ever dreamed possible. My heart opened to love in ways that invite even more love into my life. Just so, I began to have the life and love I signed up for!
I’m with the Love of My Life
These days I’m with the soulmate I always wanted. Some of my favorite moments come every morning when we smile so big at each other, and our eyes light up because we are so happy to see each other again – yet we’ve only been inches from each other all night. There’s a profound sense of mutual appreciation and gratitude because we know how special this love we have is.
The spontaneity between us is just wonderful – like the times we’re in the kitchen cooking together, and music is playing in the background. So many times, we just start laughing and Salsa dancing with each other. In those moments, I know I’m loved and what a lucky man I am.
And I realize deep in my heart that all the work I did to get ready for this relationship was so worth it. And now I’m a happily married man to my soulmate in life!
A Legacy of Love
And, perhaps just as importantly, all this has allowed me to pass on a secure love style to my son. Watching him create a fabulous relationship with his wife is, without a doubt, my life’s greatest accomplishment. Listening to them promise to each other, “to nurture your dreams, because through them your soul shines,” was a father’s dream come true.
Sharing the Good News
I couldn’t imagine not sharing this kind of deep transformation with other people. This led me to coach, to speak, and to share with others this whole new way of relating to love. Those insights became the heart and soul of my new book, Safe to Love Again.
Now I get to share the good news that love can last. This thing we call love — can be the juicy, safe, wonderful, passionate, and empowering experience we all dream about. All of this and far more is how life is meant to be lived.
Three Truths I Live By
- There are no un-resourceful people, only un-resourceful states of being.
- It’s all adaptable!
- Love is a simple experience that’s won or lost in the small moments.
About Dr. Gary Salyer
I Swore It Would Be Different
I swore after my first divorce, that my next marriage would be different. So when my second marriage crumbled almost a decade later for nearly the same reasons I was devastated. I felt like an utter, complete failure. All I could see was hopelessness on the horizon.
But I was determined to find another way. I was not going to be that guy who bounced from marriage to marriage never really learning anything. So I found someone to mentor me and explored my past. I read books — lots and lots of them.
In fact, I dedicated myself to doing the deep research about all things love. I had deep conversations with people I loved. Most of all, I did the deep transformations that unlocked my heart and released my soul to love as I had always imagined.
Then something wonderful happened. Love — and how to make it lasting – became my life’s highest calling.
A New Way to Love
I let go of all the stories I had been telling myself about how I wasn’t good enough for love, and decided to live a life of real love instead. In the end, my heart opened up to love in a thousand different ways.
I quite literally felt like a man who had been freed from the bondage of his childhood and his past relationships. Then I experienced the joy and peace of a man who had been liberated to live a life filled with love.
This work transformed my relationship with women, inviting a whole new way of relating that just felt better than anything I ever dreamed possible. My heart is open to love in ways that invite even more love into my life.
I’m with the Love of My Life
These days I’m with the soulmate I always wanted. Some of my favorite moments come every morning when we smile so big at each other, and our eyes light up because we are so happy to see each other again – yet we’ve only been inches from each other all night. There’s a profound sense of mutual appreciation and gratitude because we know how special this love we have is.
The spontaneity between us is just wonderful – like the times we’re in the kitchen cooking together, and music is playing in the background. So many times, we just start laughing and Salsa dancing with each other. In those moments, I know I’m loved and what a lucky man I am. And I realize deep in my heart that all the work I did to get ready for this relationship was so worth it.
A Legacy of Love
And, perhaps most importantly, it allowed me pass on a secure love style to my son. Watching him create a fabulous relationship with his wife is, without a doubt, my life’s greatest accomplishment. Listening to them promise to each other, “to nurture your dreams, because through them your soul shines,” was a father’s dream come true.
Sharing the Good News
I couldn’t imagine not sharing this kind of deep transformation with other people. This led me to coach, to speak, and to share with others this whole new way of relating to love. Those insights became the heart and soul of my new book, Safe to Love Again.
Now I get to share the good news that love can last. This thing we call love — can be the juicy, safe, wonderful, passionate, and empowering experience we all dream about. All of this and far more is how life is meant to be lived.
Three Truths I Live By
- There are no un-resourceful people, only un-resourceful states of being.
- It’s all adaptable!
- Love is a simple experience that’s won or lost in the small moments.
Be Inspired to Love
Could you use a bit of inspiration to keep you going - to find the one for you, or to deepen and grow the relationship that you have? Dr. Gary shares three minute inspirations every day for the next 2 and a half weeks to help you open to even more love in your life! Sign up here.
Dr. Gary Salyer
© 2024 Dr. Gary Salyer