Open for Love:
From Hurting to Healthy Relationships
Being Single In 2024 is Exhausting

Are you tired of the endless cycle of disappointing dates, unfulfilling relationships, and lonely nights?

Do you find yourself wondering why love seems to come so easily to others, while you're left feeling invisible, unworthy, or simply stuck?

Perhaps you've experienced the pain of heartbreak one too many times, and now you're afraid to open your heart again. 

Or maybe you're successful in every other area of your life, but when it comes to love, you feel like a failure. 

 Is Your Dating Life Suffering From… 

  • ENDLESS TEXTING THAT NEVER TURNS INTO A DATE - You're flirting online, texting incessantly, but no dates are happening. You're excited about someone but can't get them to show up!

  • YOU CAN’T FIND COMPATIBLE PARTNERS - There's a big sigh coming out of your heart saying, "So many choices, but so few meet me where I need." Dating feels like a supermarket that has everything, except the one thing you really need.

  • UNSATISFYING EMOTIONAL CONNECTIONS - You want to find somebody who can feel your feelings and listen to your heart, but all that emotional avoidance has left your heart feeling empty. The spark of optimism has gone and dating feels like a dreaded chore.

  • ATTRACTING PARTNERS WHO NEED FIXING - You long for someone who has done their work and is ready for a real partnership! You keep asking yourself, "Where are the men or women who have done their healing and are ready to love again?" You want a partner, not a project.

  • RELATIONSHIPS THAT END JUST WHEN YOU SEE A FUTURE - You're finished spending years with someone only to have them break up just when you see 

Does any of that feel familiar? If so, take a moment to ask yourself: 

  1. Do you long for a deep, meaningful connection with a partner who sees and cherishes you?

  2. Are you ready to break free from the patterns that have kept you trapped in unfulfilling relationships?

  3. Can you imagine how your life would change if you felt confident, worthy, and open to love?

  4. Are you looking for a new, different, and deeper solution to whatever your heartache is? 

If you answered Yes to any of these questions, you're in the right place! 

I know dating is hard.

 I’ve been helping clients get out of these places for years. And the truth is I had to do it first with myself. For years I struggled with my relationships. Heartache and loss seemed to be my most constant companions. 

Now I’m in the happiest, most loving relationship of my life. Every morning, we wake up greeting each other with the most loving smile. That beautiful smile of hers is worth everything to me. Plus, do we ever have a great ‘We’ - this is a real partnership. To have her by my side in life is the greatest treasure ever! It was a long journey to get here but it was so worth it. 

But I don’t want your journey to take as long as mine. I want to speed up your journey to real love. My mission in life is to show wonderful, sincere love seekers like you how to train your brain to attract and keep real lasting love. And I do that in a science-based, yet heartfelt way. 

So if it’s OK, I’d like to show you how your brain gets caught in traps that make love feel impossible. And I want to show you how to get out of whatever trap you’re in and find the love you want. 

The truth is, it's not your fault that love has been elusive. You've likely fallen into one or more of the seven love traps that keep so many wonderful women and men stuck in cycles of disappointment and heartache.  

"Days into his class, I had a sense of clarity and optimism that I believe allowed me to identify my now husband on Bumble. Even though he lived in a different state, I hung in there because I consistently experienced the secure feelings that Dr. Gary identifies as the foundation of a healthy relationship." 
- Odalis  


The 7 Love Traps Keeping You From The Partner You Deserve: 
 1. The Hopeless Trap:
You look around and see happy couples everywhere, convinced that all the good ones are taken. You tell yourself, "I'm more likely to win the lottery than find true love at my age." This trap keeps you safe, small, and hidden from real love, causing you to miss potential partners who are right in front of you.  
 2. The Danger Trap: 
Every time you get close to someone, you hear the echoes of past hurts telling you to keep your guard up. It's like every room in your heart is filled with the ghosts of exes or parents. Because of these ghosts, it's easier to keep one foot out the door in your relationships.  
 3. The Broken-Down Trap: 
 Past relationships have left you defeated and feeling worthless. You believe you're somehow flawed or unworthy of love. This trap leads you to settle for "fixer-uppers," thinking you need to fix someone up to help them become an 'acceptable' partner because you don’t believe you deserve better.  
 4. The Fate Trap: 
 You find yourself living in a romantic Groundhog Day, repeating the same patterns and ending up feeling stuck and powerless. You might think, "I've made so many mistakes in the past. Why would the future be any different?" This trap keeps you from taking control of your love life and taking a chance on love.  
 5. The Perfection Trap:  
 You have a long list defining your perfect partner, convinced that unless a relationship is flawless, it's doomed to fail. But this lowers your chances of finding a great partner. This trap keeps you from embracing the beautiful imperfections that make real love so rich and rewarding.  
 6. The Family Doom Trap: 
 You feel trapped in a love story written by past family members, thinking, "My family has so many broken relationships, I'm doomed to repeat it!" This trap makes you believe that real love is too difficult for 'people like me.'  
 7. The Indecision Trap: 
 You're constantly swiping left, unable to give someone a real chance. You wonder if any person is really the 'best option' for you, leading to a treadmill of serial relationships and missed opportunities. This often leaves you feeling empty when you let a great catch get away.  

If any of these traps resonate with you, you're not alone. THERE IS A WAY OUT. 

"Open for Love will give you the most effective tools to transform the deepest areas of pain that keep you stuck in self-defeating patterns. If you want to clear your blocks and experience real change in your relationships, this course is top of my list to experience."
 – Edina  
There's a Solution for Every Trap 

The solution to all these traps is to start rewiring your brain at a deeper level than mere coaching or talk therapy. The heart of my work is to help neurons in your brain make better friends. For that to happen, you need to work with various neural networks in your brain that create and control your experience. 

To escape these traps, you must replace old, limiting neural networks that fire off all the feelings that make you feel unsafe with love, with new neural firing patterns that will help you navigate relationships in new, secure ways. That way, you can invite new, fresh, and real love in! 

These are the neural networks in your brain we'll be working on in this course to change the way your brain creates relationship patterns: 

  • The Solution for Hopelessness: To feel hopeless, your brain must delete all the possibilities from your view. We’ll work with your salience network, or reticular activation system that creates perceptual filters to keep you safe like “Ways I’m Not Enough”, “Ways I’ll Be Hurt,” etc. When we reset limiting perceptual filters in your brain, you can see a world full of loving possibilities.

  • The Solution for Danger: Feelings of unsafe, danger, and risky – which stop you from attracting the partner you deserve - are stored in both your brain and body. We'll work with your Vagus Nerve to swap feelings of fight, flight, or fix for feelings of calm and relaxation.

  • The Solution for Broken-Down: We will do transformational exercises to invite old neural networks that cause you to feel undeserving, to make friends again with the parts of you that were born to feel worthy. When we reshape and upgrade your deep attachment networks, you will naturally feel differently about yourself and love.

  • The Solution for 'Fate': There’s no such thing as fate, only attachment patterns that dictate what you can and cannot have in your relationships. We'll help you understand your love patterns without judgment so you can replace 'fate' with decisions that lead to love.

  • The Solution for Perfection: Underneath perfection is a young ‘protector part’ that fears being flawed. The antidote is to support your young ‘parts’ to feel cherished for being both flawed and fabulous. We'll use cutting-edge neuroscience to help you integrate unconscious younger 'self-states' with your more resourceful, wise adult 'self-states.'

  • The Solution for Family Doom: Using Family Constellations Theory and working with neural networks that tell you how to belong in limiting ways, we'll help you identify and release generational love patterns, freeing you to write a new story for love that fits your dreams.

  • The Solution for Indecision: The antidote is to feel empowered with choice and guided by your Wise Highest Self. We'll strengthen the powerful circuits in your prefrontal cortex where your 'witnessing mind' lives, empowering you to choose love from a secure place. 
"I took Gary's Open to Love course and found it very enriching. It was a gentle introduction to the experience of feeling safe in connection with others, which is the first step in moving toward healthy, loving relationships. This is Gary's superpower!" 
 – Wendy  
Introducing Open for Love - Your Pathway to Real, Lasting Love 

In this transformational 8-week course, you'll learn how to: 

  • Feel Safe with Love: Discover powerful techniques to calm your nervous system and create a sense of safety in relationships. You'll learn how to soothe your triggers, allowing you to stay present and open-hearted with potential partners. This newfound sense of safety will help you to ditch your love traps, and approach relationships from a place of openness rather than fear.

  • Release Past Pain: Uncover and heal the wounds from past relationships and family patterns. Through guided exercises and supportive practices, you'll learn how to let go of old hurts and create space for new, healthy love. By freeing yourself from the weight of past pain, you'll be able to see potential partners clearly, without the distortion of old wounds.

  • Boost Your Feelings of Self-Worth: Develop a strong foundation of self-love and worthiness based on the core secure feelings of welcome, deserving, cherished, empowered, and loveable. You'll learn to recognize your inherent value and stop settling for less than you deserve.

  • Create Healthy Boundaries: Master the art of setting and maintaining boundaries that honor your needs while fostering intimacy and connection. Healthy boundaries that respect your Yes and No are the foundation of secure, lasting love.

  • Recognize Healthy Partners: Discern how to identify partners who have the capacity for creating the loving, supportive relationship you desire. Learning how to pick partners who can form a 'We' with you is key for lasting love.

  • Cultivate Emotional Intimacy: It’s time to make friends with your feelings – all of them. Develop the inner capacity to spot red flags early and recognize green flags that indicate a partner’s potential for attentive, emotional attunement. This is the path to the soulmate bond you want.

  • Navigate Relationship Challenges: Gain the inner capacity to communicate your needs effectively, engage in healthy conflicts, and grow together as a couple. You’ll learn how ‘deal breakers’ can become opportunities for deeper connection and understanding.

  • Embrace Your Authentic Self: Discover how to show up fully and authentically in relationships. By learning to love and accept all parts of you, rather than a fear-based need to hide parts of yourself, you'll attract partners who can love all of you.
"Dr. Gary's approach is deeply personal, and he creates a real sense of intimacy and safety. After attending Open for Love, I was so impressed, surprised, and grateful for how much I was able to heal, grow and believe that I can trust other people. And that I am indeed worthy of being loved and cherished! My life is different today because of attending Dr. Gary's course. A '5 Star' rating isn't enough stars and 'Highly Recommend' doesn't capture how highly I recommend Dr. Gary and his work."
- Lo uie 
What You'll Get: 
  • Transform Your Brain and Expand Your Heart with Powerful Pre-Recorded Video Retreats: For 8 weeks, you'll receive heart-warming, experiential lessons packed with wisdom, self-discovery, insights, love brain neural reboots, and practical tools to transform your relationship with love – 6 hours in all! These aren't just lectures - they're interactive experiences designed to create profound shifts in your love landscape.

  • Experience Full Support from Dr. Gary and the community: Nourish yourself with 4 plus hours of personalized love guidance with me in these live calls. Get your questions answered, receive personalized guidance, and benefit from the collective caring spirit of the group.

  • Change How Your Brain Experiences Relationships: Experience the same transformative techniques I use with my private clients. These neuro-exercises are designed to rewire and resculpt your love brain, creating lasting change at a neural level. If you like designer jeans, you’ll love having a designer brain!

  • Calm Your Anxiety and Release Old Painful Feelings Stored in Your Body: There will also be somatic exercises every week to calm your nervous system and melt away relationship anxiety. These exercises will help you unlock your body's innate ability to give and receive love freely – so change happens more easily. By freeing your body of old stored feelings, you can open your mind to the possibility that the love you want is seeking you.

  • Integrate Your Learnings with a Beautifully Designed Love Journal: Bask your heart in the warmth of a beautifully designed, in-depth guide where you create your personal roadmap to lasting love. This resource isn't just a workbook - it's designed to be a cherished companion on your journey to deep connection.

  • An Amazing Community of People to Support You: Surround yourself with other like-minded love seekers on the path to true partnership. Tap into a caring network of people who want to redefine love after 35.
When Does It All Happen?
I’ve designed this program to happen weekly. Every week (Monday) you will be sent an email that gives you access to a new module on: Sept. 9, 16, 23, 30; Oct. 7, 14, 21, 28. So it’s totally self-paced!

There will also be four live calls with me on Zoom on Saturday Sept. 14, Sept. 28, Oct. 12 and Nov. 9. We’ll meet at 9:00 a.m. Pacific (10:00 a.m. Mountain, 11:00 a.m. Central, 12:00 noon Eastern). Each call will be for one hour, maybe more if there are extra questions. Details to join will come via email.

If you can’t attend all the live calls, no worries! I designed each module so you will get the full value of this program whether you attend the live classes or not. And yes, there will be recordings available afterward! Open for Love will go easy on your schedule. If you have 1-1.5 hours a week to invest in your future relationship, this course will work for you. If you have other questions about Open for Love, please reach out to me at
"Dr. Gary's class, Open for Love, was definitely an eye opener for me! I learned a lot about myself and my attachment patterns. Gary is an excellent instructor and has a loving, present, connecting teaching style. I was sorry when the class ended! It has made such a difference in my relationships to know myself better and the tools I gleaned from the class have helped me every day since."
 – JoAnne  
Why Learn from Dr. Gary? 

Dr. Gary Salyer's journey from relationship struggles to a profound love with his soulmate is a testament to the power of personal transformation. Once plagued by the question of what it feels like to be deeply loved, he now revels in the best relationship of his life. Through extensive inner work and research, Dr. Salyer has not only transformed his own love life but has been happily coupled for years, experiencing a connection that surpasses even his vivid imagination. 

Driven by his own transformations, Dr. Salyer is passionate about guiding others along the same path to mind-blowing love. His personal journey through painful relationship struggles has equipped him with invaluable insights into the deeper transformations needed to break destructive patterns and embrace a genuine life partner. 

This blend of personal experience and professional expertise culminated in his book, "Safe to Love Again," and fuels his mission to help others experience the joy of secure, lasting love. Dr. Salyer's unique combination of lived experience, scientific knowledge, and heartfelt compassion makes him an ideal guide for those seeking open-hearted love. 

As Dr. Salyer often says, "Everyone deserves a love that lasts. Love can be the juicy, safe, wonderful, passionate, and empowering experience we all dream about." His work invites individuals to move beyond attracting mere 'lesson partners' and embrace the capacity to find a true 'life partner.' 

Is ‘Open for Love’ Right for You? 

Ask yourself: 

● Are you tired of repeating the same relationship patterns? 

● Do you want to feel deep in your bones that you deserve a fulfilling, lasting partnership? 

Have you longed to have a 'We' with a loving partner, but it's always escaped you? 

Do you want to feel worthy, empowered, and capable of attracting and sustaining a healthy relationship? 

Are you ready to do the deep work necessary to transform your love life? 

If you answered Yes to any of these, Open for Love could be the turning point you've been waiting for. 

Don't Let Another Year Pass Without the Love You Deserve 

Join Open for Love today and start your journey towards the relationship you've always wanted. We start our journey together beginning on September 9th through the end of October. You can return to the videos, exercises, and resources as much as you like afterward. 

"Working with Gary has created life changing results in my relationships with my spouse and my family. His course opened my eyes to new ways to see the issues I was facing and offered me new tools to shift my energy to achieve the love, intimacy and connection I was seeking." 
 – Leigh  
©2024 Dr. Gary Salyer