Dr. Gary's Salyer Dr. Gary's Salyer

Find Your Path to Lasting Love Workshop:

Move Beyond Emotionally Unavailable Men and Find the Man of Your Dreams

(So you can feel emotionally close and nurtured by a man)

Please sign up below to discover how you can find a man who only wants to give you a love that lasts.


Does it feel like you are always putting him first and your needs are never getting met?

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Are you exhausted by men who seem like they want a relationship but turn out to be completely emotionally unavailable?

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Are you sick and tired of men who seek distance rather than closeness, who simply want sex or are totally uninformed about the emotional needs of a woman?

If you’ve been fooled by emotionally unavailable men before, chances are you felt emotionally starved or empty. A lot of women wonder - how do I stay clear of such men so I can have the closeness and intimacy I deserve?

In this workshop, you’ll learn how to:

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Notice the signs that all emotionally unavailable men can’t help but give off


Find the emotionally available men who want to be close with you


Open your heart to all the love your dream man wants to offer you

When you leave this one-hour workshop, you will feel more deserving, hopeful and well prepared to date. I’ll show you how to spot the man who wants to feel close to you and keep it that way.

Please sign up below to discover how you can find a man who only wants to give you a love that lasts.